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Moving Help:Dos and Don'ts!

Need Help Moving?

Moving is an exciting experience for everyone involved. There’s this rush you feel at realizing all of the new possibilities that you will get to participate in. But part of the problems that happen with moving occur from navigating your moving service, your friends, and yourself. Moving help is a hard thing to find, but Galactic Movers has all of the best tips and tricks for maximizing your moving experience.

Moving Help!

Play Good Music – The best thing you can do is play good music that establishes a rhythm. There are plenty of apps like Spotify and Pandora that offer playlists designed to help productivity, and there are also pop charts that you can top off too! If you want to be the MVM (Most Valuable Mover), get the free trial of Pandora One or Spotify Premium for ad-free listening. This will make everyone happier!

Dress Appropriately – Dress according to for the season and dress according to mobility. If you’ve hired a moving service, then you don’t need to worry about anything. But, if you’re jumping into the fray with your friends, you want to make sure that you are protected from the furniture and the environment. Don’t get overheated and don’t break your toes!

Pay for Food – There’s no way around it, you are going to have to buy pizza. I helped my friend move their gym from one location to another back when I was 14. I don’t remember the physical stress I felt; I don’t remember the heat, or if I was sore, I remembered that he bought five cheese pizzas. Chip in for the good stuff, and buy a pepperoni at least.

Moving Hinder!

Let your Frustration Go – Carrying anxiety into a situation can make physical labor a nightmare. You never want to be the kind of person who panics at a place or ends up yelling at people because people want just to hang out and move casually. So be casual too.

Take Personal charge of important objects – If there is something that is highly valuable and needs special care. Do not let anyone touch it but you. When you are moving objects, they are objects, and they are all equally valuable to the regular person’s eyes. But if that piece of furniture is valuable to you for sentimental reason, you should be the only one to move it.

Clear the day of and the day after – If you expect to be done in one day, you expect too much. If you expect to be able to hit the ground running the next day and be able to go back to work and be at 100%, you expect too much. Give yourself time to rest and the people you’re with time to breathe.

Galactic Movers

These are all the best tips and tricks that we can give you for when you are moving on your own, and you want to make sure it’s an easy move. Not to make moving help literally, but be good to your friends and be good to yourself. Or you can do both and more by hiring a moving service; we can do all the legwork for you while you and your friends plot where everything goes.

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Looking for a no-surprises moving quote and professional movers that service your pocket of the great state of Texas? Then Galactic Movers is the moving company you've been searching for. We are committed to creating happy and efficient moves (bet you didn't think those existed) all across Texas. Houston is our home town and we're proud of it. We are your one stop shop whether you're moving from a Memorial apartment, a home in Katy, or a corporate office in the heart of downtown. Don't just take our word for it, take a glance at the principles that set us apart from other Texas moving companies.

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All of our moving trucks are in tip-top shape before they hit the road.

Our experience allows us to tackle even the trickiest moving situations.

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We treat your stuff as if it's our own.

Moving requires a lot of muscle.

You receive notifications prior to each phase of your move.

We're proud to say we are Better Business Bureau Accredited.

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